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Moon Stages

Our Life Task

A new era is beginning!

                                   We no longer ‘have to’ - we simply can.

If we want to use this challenging time, which offers many opportunities, to break new ground, to develop something that has never existed, to make a giant leap forward, we will be able to make our world—our life—richer, more interesting, more varied.

Our lives will meet our needs—make our hearts leap with joy. Each of our souls has a purpose in life to fulfill, a purpose in life that makes you shine, that corresponds exactly to your abilities—with which you can enrich, heal, and help people shine in our world.

I can support you in recognising your soul’s purpose!


Pluto will move through Aquarius over the next two decades, so our lives will change very much.

It symbolizes the divine will, and needs 248 years for a full orbital period!

This means that he will bring about total transformation in Aquarius by January 2044.

Pluto has an incredibly powerful energy that changes everything, it goes deep, it penetrates non-negotiably to your essence.

The house in which your Pluto stands is, so to speak, your personal nuclear power plant.

We are the designers of this unique time, and we have the chance to change our lives with new, unprecedented ideas, to make it all more beautiful and even more worth living.

We decide which way we want to go, the way of love or the way of fear.

The pace of our life will increase rapidly.

Wozu eine Aufstellung?

Hast du dich in meinen Fragen wiedererkannt Gut! Denn all das sind Themen, die wir gemeinsam angehen und transformieren können. Auch ich habe all diese inneren Konflikte und Unsicherheiten durchlaufen und habe gelernt, mich von ihnen zu befreien.

Welche Aufstellungen gibt es?

In Aufstellungen kann es um ein Ahnenthema gehen, um Traumata, Opfer und Täter, Missbrauch, karmische Verstrickungen, um Täuschung und Wahrheit, das innere Kind, Ungerechtigkeiten, übernommene Rollenbilder und unbewusste Familiengesetze ● What life task do you have that corresponds exactly to your abilities and fulfils you deeply? ● What are your strengths? ● What are your weaknesses? ● What is your cosmic theme at the moment? ● Where are there karmic entanglements that you should solve, because they let you cling to the old, that no longer serve you? ● How can you turn your fear into a strength? ​ If you overcome your fears step by step, new perspectives will open up, your view will go from narrow to wide. What is your soul’s purpose? ​ I will be happy to answer these and other questions for you. I can support you in finding your way in life, and accompany you for a bit if you’d like! ​ I can show you ways you can go, but the decision is always yours!

Astrological advice for adults

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